[img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]My 3 year oldlittle girl started nursery on Wednesday (3 days ago) so its been a pretty stressful week for me with my heart feeling like its in my throat from all the worry..... Came home today with belly ache. 'Ugh' I thought, just what I need... & my god, she's ill. The poor thing can't get off the potty she's pooping so much. Lots ofd* & now she's complaining offeeling s* & refused the chocolate i'd bought her....

I am inon my own with her & my little lad (he'sbeen banished upstairs) as the hubby is out& don't know what to do. I've run out of masks I wear when 'things' are happening& I feel like just running away from it [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]but know I can't.

The nursery is lovely & clean but always seems to have s* & d* passing round. If only I had the guts to clean it myself it would make me feel a whole lot better..

3 days though!!! My god - it has to be a record! She's only ever had a tummy bug once before as i've steered clear of it all & kept her away from people with it, but now I can't avoid it & don't know which way to turn.

I was referred to a CBT but so far haven't received an appointment. I wish they'd hurry up as i'm getting worse.... [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]