
My (2.5 year old) daughter woke up last night at 10PM and v* EVERYTHING in her bed. I could not believe the amount that came from that child. She was COVERED.

I screamed for my husband and he took her into the bathroom, and took care of her and put her in a bath while I was on clean-up patrol. If Elizabeth didn't have her beloved Elmo comforter and sheets, I would have thrown them out. I didn't know what to do with myself.

I washed EVERYTHING and sprayed my bleach/water solution all around her bedroom and bathroom.

She vomited every half hour - then every hour. It's amazing how your body will puke to the minute of an hour!

In all - she v* 6 times, and every time she woke up retching, I had to wake up my husband to go in her room and care for her while I watched on like some horrified school girl.

She is fine today - loves the pedi-pops. Is over-joyed that she gets as much gingerale as she wants.

She hasn't v* since 1:30am. No fever - no d*. As I write this she is playing playdough with her father. What would I do without him.

I, on the other hand, am an emotional wreck. I had to take a tranquilizer last night just to bear with it all.

I feel like a failure. Hell - I am a failure. I can't even take care of my baby girl when she is sick. I am in tears now, and I don't know what to do.


PS - I will NEVER make Sloppy Joes again.