Sorry guys I just needed to vent about my horrible day, ignore this post if you want!

First, I wake up at 4:30 in the morning feeling kind of n*, I go to the bathroom and taste blood. I spat and there was blood, I kept spitting and there was still blood. I felt around in my mouth but I didn't come up with any blood on my hands, so I hadn't cut my mouth. All I can come up with is that maybe it came from my nose? Anyway, I couldn't get back to sleep after that because I was too nervous.

Then, I get to school in the bus, and there's firetrucks and ambulances and police cars in the street, and they won't let us in the school. We're all speculating what is happening, until we hear the fire alarm go off, and see people TEARING out of the school. Teachers come out and yell at us to move up some side streets, so we go about 400 feet away from the school, and all the firemen go inside. We stand out in the 25 degree weather for TWO HOURS, until they say we can go inside. It turns out that some idiot from Lowell called in a bomb threat to our school, so they searched the whole entire school, and didn't want to call a snowday so they made us wait for two hours outside. I got inside, and instead of having four classes I had one, because three of my teachers had gone home instead of waiting outside, even though they said that we couldn't go. Now that wouldn't be so bad obviously, I love having class cancelled, except its not fair that they made us wait outside for such a long time to go to school when our teachers don't even show up! grr!! [img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]

I finally get home, and go to change the laundry, when a sheet gets caught, won't come out, and I pull so hard that my cuticle on my thumb gets caught on the machine andtears back and turns black.

Ahh! This was such a bad day. Just ranting here!

<3 Anya--Edited by: spilled_milk