Hey everyone,

Once again, I want to thank you all for your prayers and well-wishes, after reading that I had a mammogram, then had to have a follow-up ultrasound.

On Tuesday I went for the ulrasound, and the dr. said that everything looks good. She also said that my dr. may or may not refer me to a surgen for a biopsy just to be 100% sure. Apparently there are some cancers that do not show up on any imaging thingys. My b**bs are also very dense (good thing??), and it's hard to detect breast cancer through imaging.

She also informed me that "dimpling" can occur around the nipple because when we get older, our b**bs wanna sag a little, but something behind the nipple wants to stay attached to the chest wall, causing the dimpling. That made me laugh a little, but I felt better.

I was curious and asked her what the average "positve test" per week was in their office alone, and she said that they detect about 1 or 2 cancers per week!!! That sounded like alot! SUCH a horrible disease!!