I don't lose it often but right now I'm in a state. My mum has been staying with me this past week. She has just been to the bathroom with d* and dry heaves. I am shaking. We have eaten the same stuff pretty much and she hasn't really been out to pick up a sv.

I just don't know what to do. I have bleached the toilet and sprayed disinfectant around the bathroom. She has her own flannel and towel, and I've given her a bowl. I'm so scared. When it's my kids I just about manage, I put it down to one of those things kids get. But another adult, it just seems much worse.

I am in the room between hers and the bathroom, I hear every movement. I haven't taken anti-emets for weeks but I've just taken 2. It's affecting me big time. What's worse is that it's 1am here and I'm trapped. I'm worrying for her of course, but also for myself and my kids, thinking we're next.

Sorry to prattle on...I just don't know what to do to calm down.