I have been so nervous about working around all these sick people at my work..but everyone said it wasnt a sv*...but we are leaving for a road trip to disneyland tomorrow...and now they nail tech at my work comes in very sick...get sicks here...I HEARD HER, and wont leave. She has touch all my frotn desk stuff, and now I'm totally paniced...I don't want to get it. I'm scared its going to ruin my trip. I dont know what to do. I'm so scared. I want to go home. And Tuesday my boyfriends birthday..I"m so scared...help please... Plus she keeps coughing and its sooo gross, and I dont want to have to walk in it, but I have to! HELP I'm scared I breathed it in... She kept coughing after she v*...and I know its not hung over because she doesnt do that....Edited by: rubysoho120