This weekend, one of my 2nd grade students was killed in a car accident. I am so shocked and upset. I have never, in all my years of teaching, had something like this happen. I have no idea what to do. I am the music teacher, so I didn't see him every day, but I did have him three times a week since August, so I knew him pretty well. It was very snowy here this weekend, and I guess what happened is the driver of the car (his aunt) hit a snow plow. They were both killed, as well as his 18 year old cousin and the family dog. All the school counselors, social workers and psychologists in the district are here today to talk with the kids. I have no idea how I will get through this day. Please keep his family and all the kids in my school in your thoughts and/or prayers, and if you happen to have any advice on this terrible topic, I'd be happy to hear it. Thanks so much.
