I already posted about this on the other site but not all people were on that one sooo..Im going to see if anyone else has any info they would like to contribute ...Im soooooo scared.. I have to get all four of mine removed and I have to be sedated while they do it. I am so scared that I will..you know.. The dentist said that there is only a 2% chance of it happening as compared to 10% with genral anethesia.....

Any experiences with this procedure that you may have had would be awsome to read ...tell me everything that happened ..Im sure no one was as nervous as I am right now. I booked my appointment for the 25th of April and now Im in a constant state of panic because I know that its kinda hanging over my shoulders you know...

If anyone has been sedated how did you feel when you came out of it ??

I look forward to reading all the respones. Thanks in advance.