Okay, well, I thought my daughter was on the mend, but NOPE! My husband stayed home from work yesterday to take care of her, we need money, so he went in today. As soon as he left and drove away, my daughter started crying "Im sick!". I of course freaked out, started shaking and totally left her alone to throw up on the tile. I tried to call my husband but he hadn't turned his phone on yet. It was awful! So of course, I then put her in the bathtub, braided her hair back and cleaned up the mess. Oh well, I guess I can't get away with not dealing with this a little. I think thats one of the worst parts of this phobia, is not being ABLE to comfort and be there for my kids. Tossing a bowl, plugging my ears and running is not being a comforting mom. I HATE that. I feel so bad, yet I CAN"T be different. Its just always my instinct to run away. I HATE THIS! I hope she gets better soon. I feel so bad for her. I just hope my other daughter doesn't get it. Funny, I have been worrying about sending her to school, now I want to get her out of this sick house by sending her to school. OH WHEN WILL IT END?????