Have any of you ever seen this show--I just love it! It's this couple and their set of twins & their sextuplets. Anyway on the show last night--all of the kids started v'ing, one after another. They all got the flu, and Kate is like me, she discovers the one v'ing, gets blankets and a bowl and lays them in her laundry room on the tile and sort of leaves them there on their own!! I so do that, she does it because there are other kids she has to take care of, I do it so I don't have to see/hear the v'ing. She was just so funny, she put on a mask and everything, and freaked out because the kids were sharing lollipops with each other while there was a sickness going around the house! She stayed so calm though and was so matter of fact about it, I was wishing I could be like that!! That's my hell on earth and I only have 1/2 the kids she does!!