Hi everyone,

I'm new to this site, this is actually my first post. I've been an emetophobe since I was 10, nearly 17 years now. For a while I was much better then I am now, I pretty much went through high school and college like a normal person. I just recently got married and now my husband and I are trying to start a family, which has triggered my phobia yet again.

I guess my major question to you all is is it possible to have kids and take care of them when they have a stomach virus? Most importantly, is it possible to take care of them and not get the bug yourself? I wash my hands a million times a day, I keep my house ridiculously clean and I dont share food with anyone, all things I will be instilling in my kids for sure. My husband is very supportive of me and has already agreed to take care of future kids when they are sick, however he travels a lot for buisness and I'm already petrified it will happen when he isn't home.

I'm still trying to get past my worries to actually become pregnant. The thought of morning sickness terrifies me. I have anti-nausea medication, phenergan and zofran which I hear are relatively safe during pregnancy. Has anyone tried these and do they work? My biggest fear is feeling sick while at work, I tend to panic if I feel sick and literally have panic attacks. Not conducive to working at all.

Anyways, sorry for the long rambling post. Its so good to see that I'm not alone.Most people I know think I'm crazy and do not understand this fear at all.