Hey guys

I haven't posted for a looong time, mostly because I think this site was down for a while when I wanted to post.

Anyway currently having nausea attack late at night, typically while everyone is asleep so there is no one to talk to (the panic eases when I have someone to talk to). Have just had a bout of d* which was very random but to be honest I don't think it's an illness. Probably just stress as I'm back to work tomorrow with stupid boss after a brief break, and will have little sleep at this rate.

I've just taken an anti emetic and a good swig of Pepto Bismol about 20mins ago to ease the nausea. I ate a largeish meal about 8 hours ago and have had alcoholic drinks since but not much. So I don't know what it is. I'm just trying to stave off having a full blown panic attack as I know it's mind over matter but I can't breathe deeply as I'm finding it hard to breathe thanks to mild panicking.

I'm also doing a newly discovered calming method of mine- counting my heart rate to my stopwatch on my mobile phone. I had a severe attack of nausea in December and finally fell to sleep after monitoring my heart rate for 20minutes until I was so calm it dropped back to around 70 from 120!!

Any tips on calming would be most useful now, if any of you have any, as rationally I know I'm not "ill" as such and there's no reason for me to v*, I'm just trying not to panic which makes me feel worse...
