Hi guys

Last weekend I was starting to have severe pains in my lower abdomen - I knew they weren't menstrual cramps, but were SHARP pains, and in one specific area very low on my front. I decided to call a clinic nurse who told me to look for my birth control (which is a vaginal ring), and when I didn't find it (it must have slipped out), I realized that I was all swollen up in there. The nurse immediately told me to go to the ER. My insurance doesn't cover ER visits, so I called my friend's mom, who is a nurse. She told me the same thing. I then decided to go to a walk-in place that was open late (this was 10 oclock at night). Lucky me, they told me there were no females and so could not do a pelvic exam. Urine was taken, I tested negative for pregnancy and diagnosed with a UTI. Now, I'm a frequent flyer among UTIs and I knew this wasn't it. I was told to take one of the many common antibiotics, but didn't because I knew this wasn't a UTI. The next day a pelvic was done and the doctor said, after he felt around, that every part of my female reproductive organs was inflammed and diagnosed me with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). After (painfully - everything he did hurt me because I was so swollen) swabbing me, he said this was most likely due to an STD. He put me on two antibiotics - flagyl and doxycycline (I had taken doxycycline before, other emets don't be so afraid, even though v* is a common side effect, I never had any side-effects at all except for becoming dehydrated because it sucks all the fluids out of you - drink lots). I tested negative and normal for everything. I then went to my normal OB/GYN who did all the same things plus an ultrasound, and again everything came back normal and negative. I'm off the antibiotics now, but am still sore and swollen. I've never had a fever. I've read that one of the side effects is v*, and I'm afraid that being off the meds might make me v* since this obviously has not gone away. If anyone else has any other info on PID too, that would help so much. I'm so frustrated and just want to feel better, I'm only 18