Last week I got the bus at around 8.00pm which immediately put me in an anxious frame of mind due to the possibility of drunks (unfortunately I am 16 and cannot drive).
I was standing at the front with my friend who was sitting doen. I was standing in the bit where prams go.
My fears were confirmed when a drunk got on the bus and sat wher I was stood, prompting me to go to the back of the bus.
Usually I would have got of the bus along with my understanding friend, however, recentley I have been trying to stay on when I feel anxious to combat emet.
The man spat a bit on his top and then v* slightly and although I got very anxious, I wasn't as nervous as I expected and stayed sitting, although I was very agitated.
The man then v* a lot on the floor and this was breaking point, whilst everybody else seemingly laughed at him, my friend and I jumped up and pressed the emergency open button to get off the bus, much to the annoyance of the driver.
I was completely shaken up and extremely anxious, but surprisingly did not have a panic attack.
Before the incident, I had been learning to get over the fear of travelling on buses as I have to take 4 buses a day to get to and from school (even though this usually increase to around 8 due to me getting on and off buses due to anxiety). However, I now feel completely helpless on buses and get completely panicky on buses and pinpoint a person who I know in my mind is healthy but I always see as unhealthy.
Does anybody have any advice?