I've always had a fear of v* but it never became phobic until 3 years ago. That's when it consumed my mind and began controling my life.

What brought on the initial phobia was stress. Needless to say, I don't handle stress well at all. Even the slightest anxiety becomes a major stress factor for me.

One reason I rarely watch the News (primarily those 24 hour news channels) is because watching wars, natural diseasters, children being abused, etc upsets me and makes my emet worse. I'm not completely out of touch with world events as I do read online news and I watched a limited amount of local nightly news.

Lately, between cyclones and earthquakes in Asia, tornadoes, wildfires in Florida, shootings in Chicago and the political games presidential candidates play, my phobia is worse.

I'm wondering how many others have a harder time dealing with emetophobia when big disastrous world events happen.