Sorry to all the regulars that I'm kind of a spastic poster on here. As far as emetophobia goes I'm not completely anal about other people throwing up, most of my fear comes from me catching something from them. My biggest fear though is me throwing up myself. Scares the living daylights out of me, and it's really annoying, but I guess everyone on here can relate right? Anyway, I usually come on with a question whenever this thing comes into my life in a big way.

I was recently diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. I caught it really early so I haven't had some of the more unpleasant symptoms it brings with it, and won't if I start treatment. Unfortunately the treatment is birth control, and apparently one of the major side effects is nausea and vomiting. I have to take it but I'm seriously afraid... does anyone on here have experience with the pill? What did it do? Is this seriously something to worry about or is it like most side effects warnings where it rarely happens?

Thanks for the support!