How many of you have gone off certain foods because you've v* or felt very n* having eaten them?

**Slightly graphic bits to follow**

I'm having that problem now! Last Thursday night was hellish.. I got alcohol poisoning/drink spiked (v.stupid person that I am)and was predominately unconscious apart from remembering certain points of consciousness. One of those points was being on a stretcher on the way into the ambulance and dry retching.

I must have been completely spaced out because I knew I felt the sickest I've felt in many years and I didn't even have the energy/alertness to have a panic attack. I remember violently retching and even hoping something would come out because I felt so ill. As I'd not eaten for 7 hours, nothing came out and I just ended up with saliva running down my face (a darkly comic side-effect of it all, in hindsight). But my did I feel better afterwards! All I can remember was hearing my friend explain to the paramedics that I had a phobia of v* and they replied that it would be better if I were sick!

*** (Graphic-ness over)

However I knew that I'd eaten some cheap Tesco sushi as my last meal earlier that evening. It had nothing to do with my feeling so ill, but as it was the last thing I ate, it means I can't think about it without feeling really sick.

I've not had this for a while as I hadn't dry heaved for nearly 11 years and I haven't v*ed for nearly 14 years. But I'm annoyed because I really like(d) sushi and I want to get back onto it!

How long has it taken others to get back onto foods they've been inadvertently put off by? I think the last one was a form of soup which I didn't eat till 7 years after the event, but I don't fancy waiting 7 years to eat sushi again :-(.

**TOUCH WOOD I should still cross the 14 year v* free barrier in three weeks time!!