5 days ago my baby girl 1.5 years old started with d and v. I had a serious panic attack at work when my husband called and told me. Then I got it together as best I could, knowing full well I would be home alone with her the next day while she was sick. Then yesterday morning my oldest daughter 3.5 v x2 and then was fine the rest of the day. last night my husband got sick, lots of n and d. he is still sick. the youngest had d today and the oldest v x2 again tonight. I am so worried about my youngest, she is so tiny, and I think she has lost some weight. I took her to see the doc. we have sent in some samples. My tummy is gurgling, no cramps. I guess it is going to happen to me no question since I have 2 sick kids and a husband. I just can't handle the anxiety of waiting for it. and wondering for how long I will be sick. I have taken a gravol just to help me calm down and just in case. I had a total break down when my oldest v'd again tonight. I got mad and yelled (not at her) but mostly just had a fit. I have calmed down on the outside, but on the inside. I just want to die.

can anyone tell me it is possible I will not get this? Do I have a hope? I pretty much know it is hopeless. I am a nurse. I have researched this stuff until I am blue in the face. I have only ever had a stomach bug one time before, last year. Again everyone had it, but my husband did not get it. I so wish I could get through this time without a thing.I am not affraid of d but the n and v terrify me. I am so scared to make a mess. So scared to be alone. So scared my kids will need me and I will not be able to do it.

This is my first post her. I am sorry if I have posted in the wrong place.

I am on vacation from work. what an awful vacation. hope if I get it, I am better by the time I need to go back to work.

ahhhhhhhh I can't take this anxiety.

where can I get help?? my husband it amazing but does not get this at all.

ok obviously I am rambling. I must calm down.