How many of you carry an anti-emet kit with you? Here's a picture of mine. It looks like a lot of stuff but I manage to squeeze all of this into an Altoid container and hold it together with a rubber band.

Shoved inside the lid are two tablets of Meclizine a.k.a. Bonine, an over-the-counter anti-emetic marketed for motion sickness.

The green wrappers are a taffy like ginger candy called Ginger Chews. The candy has a vibrant ginger bite to them and I bite off small bits at a time and suck on them. Ginger Chews are available in many health food stores or on the company's website (
On top of the Altoids are two Pepto Bismol tablets which help heartburn and bloating as well as nausea.

The clear bag has 4 ginger capsules, 1 enteric-coated peppermint capsule (taken 15-20 minutes before eating), 4 cinnamon capsules and the two pink capsules are Charcocaps - a homeopathic remedy for gas and bloating. After squeezing all of that inside, I hold it together with a rubber band.

I guess you can tell I have nothing else to do on this rainy Sunday afternoon.

Edited by: centipede