I'm not used to "venting" , but here goes.. so i'm really really, scared right now.Today was one of those really bad, low days for me. I was about to eat dinner, at around 10pm , and i usually dont eat that late. Only reason was because i woke up at about 1:30 this afternoon, and ended up eating a late lunch. I finished it about 4 pm and since i dont like to mix foods ,and i wait 6+ hours , i had to wait.So like i said ,i was getting ready for dinner around 9:30pm, and i wanted something light to eat. I thought that i should just eat a grilled cheese sandwich, when my original plan was to eat some frozen chicken nuggets.So i started preparing my food. Grabbed a fork to pick out the bread from the bag, and put the bread on my plate. There was a piece of bread the was dangling, so i grabbed it and ate it. I closed the bag put it away.Then went back over to the plate with the bread to put down my fork, and i froze. There was something wrong with the bread.I couldnt believe my eyes!!!! There was a spot of green mold on the bread crust!! [img]smileys/smilies_03.gif[/img]I started panicking, crying aand everything,as you all know."I ate moldy bread!!"was what was going through my head over and over. My little sister was luckily with me, and managed to help me calm down a bit. Then i remembered.. that yesterday i had eaten that bread.. and chills went through out my body. I started to freak out all over again. "why, why did i have to go and change my mind??". I relaxed and again , i started to think again, had another panic attack.I ended up having to eat,even though i refused at first, because i know if i go and starve myself, even though im scared as heck, i 'm gonna start feeling hungry and that may turn into n* and then i'll panick again.I dont want to get sick of course. So right now it's 1 am, and im just waiting to digest this food which takes me 6 hrs. to do,so im ending up not sleeping at all and going to bed till 6 am ,the earliest ,and waiting and hoping that i dont get sick.I have till thursday or friday to see if i'm sick because it takes 12-72 hrs for the virus to take effect. My sister tells me that the way that i am checking every little thing i eat , that it's unlikely that i ate any piece of moldy bread. But what if i didnt check well enough? And if it was in the same bag as the mold bread , cant the bacteria spread??It's sad enough that i cant deal with this on my own ,but my little 11 yr. old sister has to help me?I feel so ashamed that she has to help me,and what made the sitution worse is that she told me that the last time she almost got sick, she started to feel afraid of t*ing u*.NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Not her too?? But i know it's my fault if it happens to her too.. i dont know how i could live with myself if she became emetophobic too. And my mother?? She'd probably would have hate towards me.. so i'm praying for two things, that i dont get sick and that my sister doesnt end up like me.Does anyone know what i should do?? I'm in such a pickle.. i really dont want to get sick, but now i have to worry about my little sister. I'm ruining not only my own .. but her life too. I should have never have gotten her involved with my fear, i should have never told her or my mother what was wrong with me. I just feel like i want to leave them, so they dont have to worry about me anymore,so they can worry about themselves.Do you guys think i'll get sick.. do you think my sisters gonna turn like me?? I dont know what to do anymore.And now my tummy is starting to hurt a bit,adding more to my anxiety.Sorry for the long post by the way.Edited by: harttride