I dont know if any of you can relate to this but in my experience, the way emetaphobia effected relationships was in a control way. I felt that in order to organise myself and feel safe was to get everyone to be my accoomplis. Thats very damaging as you are making people reassure you all the time. Heres an example; I would ask my mum over and over again until she was in tears, the same question about whether the food was safe to eat, i did this until i made my mum doubt herself. Il never forget the feeling when i realised that my fears were hurting people. I had complete control and it highlights just what a damaging illness emetaphobia is to those around us not just us, after all we are the ones in control. I say this because even though we feel we have no control over what happening to us, we do. Its our behaviour, we can change.