Does anybody go to a chiropractor?

I am wondering because as some of you know, I've been having a lot of problems with my stomach since October of last year, its constantly pain and daily nausea, its been a tough road. Anyway, a couple months ago we had gotten an ad. with our town news paper (I live in a relatively small town) from one of the chiropractors with a story of her own stomach problems when she was young and how it went away with going to a chiropractor, which is why she's become one.

I can't remember exactly which one sent the ad, but I'm going to call around tomorrow and ask, and hopefully get in to see her. We've exhausted much of conventional medicine, basically the one medication approved in the US to treat what I have (delayed gastric emptying) has horrifying side effects. There are other meds, that you guys in Canada, Mexico, Europe, etc can use, but none of the pharmaceutical companies in the US have decided it's worth the money to to pass. Anyway, I am considering driving up to Canada to see a doctor there, it's about 8 hours away but I figured I'd give this chiropractor a shot. The compazine helps some with the nausea, the phenergan doesn't help much at all except it makes me sleepy enough so I can sleep through it sometimes. I don't like to take vicodin because it makes me feel nauseous, but sometimes I resort to it for the pain, but I don't think I should live life on pain killers.

I am stressed about this, because my dad has the same condition, and he v*s EVERY SINGLE DAY from it. He doesn't mind v'ing so has never persued a treatment for it. I DO mind so I'm going to try to find this solution.

Thanks guys. Gina