I've seen some worry on the boards starting about the coming autumn and winter seasons and viruses. Someone did this a few years ago (sorry I don't remember who) and I felt it was time to do it again.

List what you LOVE about this coming time of year! Why should emet have the power to take away the positive things ... it already takes too much as it is.

OK so here's some of my favorite things about the autumn and winter seasons:

* spending time with family and friends I don't see much
* Thanksgiving
* Christmas
* the way the air smells
* baking delicious goodies
* decorating the Christmas tree
* Christmas lights
* hot chocolate
* warm sweaters
* changing leaves (even though we don't get much we get some)
* get togethers
* people somehow become a little friendlier
* holiday music (although some of the stations go OVER board and start way too early)
* New Year's kisses
* the crispness of the air
* cozy blankets
* joyful faces

OK there's plenty more but its a start!