So I went to the pharmacy to get a refill on my NEW birth control bill - Femcon FE. They did not have stock so I had to start a day late -- as prescribed I took two pills on Monday (to make up for missing Sunday). Low and behold 4 a.m. rolls around and I jump out of bed feeling VERY s*. I went and laid down on the couch (away from everyone) and the coolness of the couch made me feel SLIGHLY better.

Well shortly after my husband got up for work so I went back to the bedroom still feeling s*. Just before he left I asked him to get me the dreaded bucket -- then before I knew it IT happend. I felt horrible all day. N* and terrible headache so I stayed home from work and slept until after 2:00. The kicker is that I still felt bad this am (most likely because I took my birth control before bed as usual).

I have never, ever, ever v* due to birth control (and have tried at least 10 different kinds due to my endemetrosis) but know this brand made me feel like I had morning sickness for the first two cycles so I should have known better than to chance it.

The bright side is -- it wasn't that bad (the actual act). The leadup to it was horrible but I didn't panic -- I did take a 1/2 phenegran and drank some Emetrol (obviously too late for both). But remember I am more afraid of OTHERS so I'm hoping it was just the pills and not a virus or I may have to face my "real" fear.

Anyone else have problems with "the pill" or have a similar experience to share?