So I work in a building that has many offices on our floor, and us women all share a bathroom consisting of 6 stalls. There has been a rumor that an older woman who works on our floor has had gastric bypass surgery and v's when she eats too much. My co-workers have "heard" her and say she always goes into the handicapped stall.
Wouldn't you know it, a few weeks ago, I was in the bathroom, washing my hands, and I hear retching coming from the stall. Instinctively, I ducked my head into my shoulder, started humming, and ran out the door. UGH.
I felt angry, grossed out, and embarassed (there were other women in the bathroom that saw me react that way).

Since then, my emet-radar has been RIDICULOUSLY alert when using that stupid bathroom. I seriously hold my pee, so I don't encounter the v* lady.
However yesterday, right before lunch, I had to use the restroom, and held the door open for a woman in her late 50's. Considering we were both entering the bathroom together, I attempted to gage if she was "the lady" or sick in general, so I said "hello," and she said "hello" in a normal tone back. I figured I was good, but I should have known when I saw her go into the handicapped stall. I was literally in mid-pee, when I heard the sound of splashing in water. Then the retching. I freaked the hell out. I smashed my hand up against my ear and brought my shoulder up to the other one, and hummed loudly, but it wasn't covering up the sounds. I waa trapped in a bathroom, in a stall next to a woman V*ing. Total nightmare.
Ask me how hard it is *with one hand* to pull your pants up, unlock a door, then open another door and run out of the bathroom. It's near impossible, which is why in my panic and haste to bail the hec out of there, I literally ran out of the bathroom with my pants down. Yup.
Thankfully there was no one outside of the bathroom, watching me pull my jeans up and compose myself.
Evidentally, this woman does this *daily.* We speculate she might have had the gastric bypass, or she might be sick. It sucks, and I can't even use the bathroom. I have had to pee for the last 2 hours. Ugh. People have no idea how much this phobia interferes with life.