Okay so looooong story that I'm not going to go into... because I already have on here. Haha! But basically... I was diagnosed with PCOS last May and have been pretty much going through hell ever since. But the latest development on this horrific ride is that for some reason last September I suddenly became EXTREMELY squeamish! I have never been squeamish in my life. I mean, due to this blasted emetophobia I've never really liked watching gore... for one, what relatively normal person does? And for two, even though I wasn't squeamish I didn't want to risk anything. But now? I can't even hear a story about a rotten tomato with larvae living in it (not even SEEING said tomato!) without feeling really sick. A year ago, I watched Sweeney Todd with no problems whatsoever, and now I can't even look at red Jell-O.

I sort of blame birth control pills (treatment for PCOS) for this latest complaint. At least I desperately hope that's what this is, because I can't imagine living like this forever. Does ANYONE else have this weird and random problem? Is it related to anxiety or something?

Anyway, my main question is actually, can anyone tell me where nausea is? Because I'm not even sure with this squeamish thing I feel nauseous. I'm always so unsure if what I'm feeling is actually nausea. Is it in your stomach? For me, it always feels like my throat feels really sick... if that makes sense. And, before and since I've been diagnosed I feel sick pretty much everyday. And I"m always afraid that what I'm feeling is nausea... and yet I can never be sure. If it's not then what the heck? But really what I need/want to know... is can anyone describe where it is to me?