I was out with a bunch of my friends, having a great time. Now, this is rare for me, as I am usually pretty depressed. For once I was happy, having fun, and feeling carefree. I was so excited that for one night, just one night in a million, I could enjoy myself without anxiety or depression. So then my friend tells me that he's feeling sick and we need to leave. He was my ride so I got in his car and on the way home he pulled over to be sick. It was long, and terrible. He was VERY sick. Then he drove a little more, and got sick again. I asked if it was from drinking, but he hadn't drank much and he told me it was definitely a virus. He could tell it was a different feeling that drunk sick. So I had to wait at his apartment for my cab to take me home and he got sick 2 more times. By this time I was losing my mind. I finally got in the cab, got home, showered and sprayed lysol on all my things. But unfortuanately, we shared a piece of pizza tonight, so I am positive I will get sick. I hate just waiting for the sickness to take over. I hate that I don't know when it will happen. It will be within the next week I know, but this week will be hell for me. I won't be able to eat or sleep well, or anything. The joy has been sucked out of my life for at least a week. Why does this have to be so powerful? I have so many things I need and want to do this week, but now it will all be in a frightened daze. I haven't been able to stop crying since I got home. I feel like such a disaster and no one understands how bad it is. I hate being alone in this. It hurts so much and makes me feel like an outcast, a freak. I am in my own world when this happens and no one understands. Okay, I need to just end this post because it could go one forever. I haven't posted on this forum in years, but this is so hard. I just need some support, some answers, some people who know how this feels. Thanks in advance.