[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img] I am new to this site and forum so if I am posting this in the wrong area, I apologize. I have suffered from emetophia for about 3-4 years now, each year gets worse and affects my life more and more. Relationships are deemed virtually impossible. If you tell people what you have, they walk out the door. If you don't, they walk out the door because of how you are. I try to play it off and say I am a clean freak - I don't know how well I disguise it though. When you can't even be taken to the movies on a Friday night - because of too many people and germ exposure - it makes dating difficult and when you can't eat out - makes dating difficult. If you won't even go into a store until the first hour or two that it has been open - because anything after that - too many people - too much exposure to possible germs that can make you sick, it makes dating difficult. Also, can't even hold hands - basic physical intimacy - basic- if you can't do that - what guy is going to stick around and ultimately marry you when he can't even kiss you and better yet - when you want seperate bedrooms with your own spouse - because you don't want germ exposure - who is going to go for that? I just want someone to talk to - any feedback on how people make relationships work - I am female in my late 20's for some reference point. Feel free to send me a private message or respond to me on here. I'd love some feedback from people whose emetophia is as bad as mine and how they are remotely able to have a relationship with a man. Just want someoen to talk to. Thank you for your time.