Hey all,

Doesn't it anger you when people try and change who you are, I mean something that is fine, and that your just not into what they are, and yet they think your weird or theres something really wrong with you because you won't do what they do?

Well, my dad and his fiance are really driving me nuts. I have made it clear that I am not the kind of person to get out there and socialize, its just not me, and i would rather sit and read a book, and I am fine with that. Instead they push me to "get out there" and dad has said some pretty hurtful things to me about it. Well, they want me to get a part time job (plus college fulltime) and I mean thats ok (I just hope i can handle it all) but like dads fiance wants me to so i get out there and socialize. Well Ive got news, I'll go to work, do my work, and come home, just like I do with college. Same thing. Shes going to have to learn the hard way that I am not changing who I am just for her. Belive me I have tried to force myself to "get out there" and its just not me, and thats fine. It would be different if I was misreable like that, but I am quite happy and content to just come home and read a book or talk to William or something. I mean whats the harm in that?? Do they want me to "get out there" and act like a fool flirting with every guy that moves?? Thats what her daughter does, and it makes me sick. Do they want me to get out there and ruin myself doing what mostkids my age do (drugs and such)? It just really angers me. Of course no one questions their life or how they act. Lemme say that my dad, he doesnt really socialize with anyone either. In all honesty the extent of his socializing is anything to do with his fiance. He doesnt get out there and party or anything, so why should I?? Its fine when they do that, but me, Im ridiculed, questioned, called names, man Im really getting upsetby all this. People and their double standards reallytorkme off.