I read a thread the other day and can't find it now, but it was about moms and their ability to deal with their children when they v*. It seemed like most moms seemed to deal with their emet much easier when it came to their children.

Is anyone different than that on here? My daughter is almost 4 and I am absolutely terrifed when she v* or gets a sv. The last tme she had a sv, she got sick in the car. Now I am extremely nervous/anxious when we ride in the car. I'm also a single mom, so I don't have a hubby to help me when she is sick. She sleeps in my room so there are many nights I am afraid of even sleeping out of fear she might v* during the night. I feel like it is making me a bad mom bc I constantly ask her "are you okay?' or 'whats wrong?' When she does get sick, I do my best to take care of her, but still can't resist the urge to at least hold my ears and if possible I keep her laying in bed and only go in the room to check on her or right after I know she has v*.

I feel so alone and like a bad mom over this.