Oh my god guys i am about to loose it.

** May be graphic...not bad but soem may not care to read..

My husband called about 20 minutes ago to let me know he was home sick. I asked whats wrong (stupid questions).. he said hed had the runs all morning and was dry heaving as well!!!!

-- END of potentially graphic part

Im scared to death guys...i have been with my husband almsot three years and i have yet to be around him when hes thrown up or even had a really upset tummy.

Heres the history os this tummy issue. We both had pizza last night that wasnt very good..we were hungry so we ate it. I have had intestinal issues all morning..but pther wise have been ok.

Another detail is the fact that we had a big fight this morning..which means he could have worked himself up into the runs and an upset tummy (it was about housework and how he doesnt help me nearly enough..so he was in the wrong and knows it). Thats what my mom thinks..and that he may be trying to make me feel bad and worry..i dunno about this..but its possible.

anyway..im scared to death..i had a massive panic attack..had to leave work and go see my mom (luckily shes right across the parking lot)...im doing ok..but im scared i will start heaving..and im scared to go home..

My mom says i can come there...for dinner (we had to go shopping together ne ways)..but i also dont want my husband thinking i dont love him...i cant be around him though.i just cant.

I ahd been doing SO well..no real panic (except for a week or so ago when i felt real nausea for the first time since i last did the deed and then i still handled it ok). I thought this might be past me..but its not..im shaking like a leaf..i want to cry..i want to leave work but have no where to go (my husband is at our house).

also..if ido gohome there is NO way to escape..i dont drive..and we live in a tiny house..one bedroom (ours) is right across from the bathroom and the spare room shares a THIN wall with the bathroom!!

what do i do???

~kaylaEdited by: kmarie