Hi. Im new to the forum and have suffered with emetophobia properly for about 3 years after going through stress and developing IBS. I'm better than I was with eating habits and things but still can't stand the thought of me being s*** or watching anyone else.It realy freaks me out.
Anyway I was sat down watching tv the other night with my hubby when a horrific advert came on for condoms showing a girl being s*** in reverse. Anyone else seen this from the UK? I immediatly jumped up and refused to watch tv for the rest of the night incase the advert came on. Yesterday I complained to Ofcom for advertising about the advert saying that I felt it was too graphic and there was no warning, it just launched straight in to it. Anyway I got an email back saying that it was my phobia and they wouldn't stop broadcasting it (even though I felt it was way too graphic) because I had emetophobia. So now I have to not watch adverts after the 9pm watershed.

I was wondering if anyone else had seen this?