I know I posted some wheres on here that I was catching a stupid
cold but I lost that post so I just wanted to complain a bit. Luckily its
just a head cold, felt kind of fatigued with a sore throat and hot
flashes and chills when I first got it but no aches or fever or anything
like that. Thank Goodness. Now however the head cold part of it is in
FULL force. I feel like sneezing every five minutes and with the
feeling of sneezing comes the watering eyes like I am crying and
runny nose, only one nostril is stuffed up at a time, Soo at the
moment that would be my left nostril. I am not complaining either
because I can still breath out of the right nostril... for now.
Anyone else suffering from a cold right now?? seems like the season
is starting early this year.. grrrreat. I am off to have some tea and
honey and take some tylenol cold night time so I can catch some