Hi, I'm a freshmen in college this year. I like in a dorm with three other
girls in an apartment style room. We have our own kitchen, shower,
bathroom, etc. and two rooms with two girls in each room.

I have been highly emetophobic since I was little, and being in a dorm
and sharing a room with someone I'm not so familiar with scares me. I
started school around 2 weeks ago and this fear has heightened
considerably since then. I will barely eat from the cafeteria, or even eat at
all, in fear of catching some sort of v*. I've been using hand sanitizer and
washing my hands constantly.

We're very clean, washing things and bleaching everything down often
and making sure our food products okay. But at the back of my mind
everyday is the thought of catching that dreaded bug. So much that I get
d* from my anxiety as well as coupled with homesickness.

My roommates are well aware of my fear and respect it. They say they
don't get s* often, and none of us drink or do anything else illegal or
anything. But how can I trust them?

Any help, suggestions?