I am a lurker on this site, I read a lot of comments, but don't post anything. I have found this site extremely helpful to me, to know I am not alone out there. I am totally freaking out right now. My 13 year old and 8 year old are both home this week with Influenza A....doctors said they didn't know if it was H1N1 but I am betting it is. I get so freaked out when I have to take care of them when they are sick, that my husband has to step in and do it all. Even if they are not vomiting, I am afraid they will, I am afraid I will catch something that will make me vomit. I hate being this way, sometimes I wish I would die rather than have these feelings. I haven't felt good this week, doctor took blood, said white count was off, that I have a virus. She says it probably isn't the flu because I haven't had a fever....but I have had d* and my anxiety is so out of control that I constantly think I am going to throw up. I don't eat or drink when I get this way, which makes it worse. I want to shut my mind off! I hate this!!! Help!!!