Hello, I am an actress and recently was asked to be Wonder Woman for a children's event that I had done in the past that raises money for cancer patients, so I said "Yes, for sure".

I just got the contract for it and didn't know that this time I'd have to be visiting cancer patients at a hospital. I am scared to death about it because I fear I might see several kids v*ing.

While I am a very sensitive person and feel for those who are ill and suffering, especially those poor kids, I don't know if I can handle doing the job. I am an actress and I'm suppose to be professional and fulfill my role. Wonder Woman can do anything and she wouldn't be scared...but I myself am afraid of having a panic attack and traumatizing the kids even more, that Wonder Woman can't handle V*.

What should I do? I haven't sought treatment yet although I take Zanax to avoid having panic attacks on planes in case someone gets s*. Should I tell the company that hired me that I can't do the job because of my phobia? Should I just chance it, take a couple Zanacs and hope that none of the kids get s* around me? What would you all do in my shoes?

Your help as always, means a lot to me! Thanks