Last week I had decided I was going to start facing some fears repetitively in hopes of getting stronger. I faced 3 different fear issues in 1 night.

One of the fear issues was of course this emetophobia problem. I got lost trying to find a location from my google maps on my phone (another fear issue, panic when driving) and had to pull over in a parking lot to call the person I was going to see. While parked there and her on the other side of the phone I noticed a truck that was in the turning lane out on the road and was stopped at the light, then I saw his door open and realized he was getting sick, I tried to look away real quick but I already saw too much! At that point, this girl on the other end was trying to tell me some directions and I couldn't even listen to her because I was paralyzed and experiencing panic. I just kept saying "what" and "uh-huh" and so she was having to repeat herself but of course she didn't know what was going on and thought I was probably looney or something.

My husband works around this kind of stuff at the hospital every day but is not the least bothered by it. So his way of trying to help me realize its just a normal part of bodily functions is to make light of it. It hasn't helped yet. I really don't think he knows the intensity of the fear it is with me. If I wake up in the middle of the night I'm on pins and needles anticipating when it might happen to him.

I have the fear about myself getting sick pretty bad but with others its even worse for some reason.
One thing I've thought about that could have intensified this problem is when my dad got cancer and threw up constantly and finally died. I witnessed that horrible violent sick sound.