I'm so tired and weary as I write this. As you know, my 6 year old came down with a SV* in the middle of this past week. She finally seemed to be back to normal today. I didn't sleep last night because she was up past midnight (couldn't sleep because she had laid around on the couch for almost 3 whole days). I couldn't sleep because of the anxiety that she might be feeling sick and that's why she couldn't sleep. I didn't want to take more ativan because I know you can become dependent on it if you take it too often, so eventually I took 1 Benadryl. My stomach was feeling off because of either anxiety or who knows what, so I took a dose of Pepto. I felt like I no sooner fell asleep that my 3 year old woke up ready for the day. She was perfectly fine all day today. Playing and both girls even went to their grandparents for awhile this evening. Our 3 year old didn't eat much all day, but she is a finicky eater anyway, so I was praying that was it. Well, while the kids were at the grandparents' my hubby started with d*. Ugh. Well, I hear adults often don't v* and will just get the d*, so I was hoping for that. Well, we went to pick the kids up and no sooner got our 3 year old into her bedroom that she v*ed on her bedroom rug. Poor baby. So, she is set up downstairs with my hubby for the night while I hide upstairs feeling like a wimp and just wanting someone to come and take all this sickness away from my house! It doesn't help that we got 20 inches of snow the day that my 6 year old got sick, so before tonight, the last time I had left the house was last Tuesday. The only word to describe how I feel right now is weary and depressed. I'm seeing my therapist on Thursday and will talk to her about how the depression is creeping back. I was so proud of myself for how well I handled my older daughter, and now I'm so mad at myself because I can't bring myself to care for my younger daughter. It's just too much too soon!

Anyway, I knew if anyone could understand it would be all of you.

Thanks for reading,