Hello everyone,

I'm in college, and I live in a frat house with a bunch of my friends. Two days ago, one of my roommates got sick with what was probably a sv* (had d*, v*, felt tired, feverish, etc.). I was a bit paranoid that I would catch it from him, since we live on the same floor and use the same bathroom, but 48 hours have passed since I was exposed to him and I've pretty much stayed out of his way ever since, so I think I'm in the clear from that.

Today, when I was in class, I felt a little odd. Not sick, but that feeling you get when you're about to be ill. I decided to take the rest of the day off and come home to relax. I chalked it up to a panic attack (which I tend to get when I'm nervous about v*). While I was sitting in my room, I heard another one of my roommates (who also lives on my floor) getting sick in the bathroom. This freaked me out a bit, and I asked him what was wrong. He said he had just started feeling sick. I suspect that he caught the v* from the first guy by sharing the same utensils at dinner.

I fell asleep around 12 AM, only to wake up at 3. This made me pretty nervous, since the only time I ever wake up in the middle of the night is when I am sick or when I am nervous. I woke up feeling mostly how I feel when I get a panic attack, but I haven't felt actually sick or on the brink of v*. I've had intermittent bouts of nausea since I first found out my roommate was sick.

Anyway, while I sat in my room this morning, unable to get to sleep and trying to work on some homework, I heard yet another one of my roommates getting sick in the second floor bathroom. This freaked me out even more, as just an hour before, I used that bathroom because I didn't want to risk anything from the third floor bathroom being unclean. I washed my hands with soap and warm water and also used hand sanitizer after I was finished, but I can't help but feel really nervous that I'm next in line to get whatever this awful sv* may be.

I feel like someone who's on death row, just waiting for the inevitable. Does anyone have any stories about how they managed to get through a house full of sick people uninfected? I could really use some of those right now.
