Hello everyone, I really am grateful for this site and am in need of some support. My hubby and i leave for a short vacation with my daughter in a couple of days, she is 16 months old. I am SOO terrified of something going wrong, mainly my daughter being sick or us being sick on or before our trip! I keep having nightmares of someone getting sick the morning we are about to leave. My daughter does go to daycare and of course bugs like that do pass around all the time (unfortunately!). knock on wood she has so far only caught it twice and the last time was around Christmas. I am hoping that this means she is somewhat "immune" to it happening again for a while but I don't know how true that is. She did get the rotavirus vaccine as an infant and I try to keep her healthy with probiotics. But she also is on antibiotics for an ear infection which I know lowers her resistance! My hubby and I are trying to stay healthy with supplements and eating right, but I am terrified of this and I really really need someone's support! Can you guys please pray that this all works out? I can't keep worrying like this or I'll make myself sick ((. I already experience nausea almost every single day which is enough torture (but that is another story)