where to begin?..well first off i'm not positive this is what i have.It all started back in october of 2009 i experienced my 1st anxiety/panic attack. i was just sitting at my desk on the comp.when i started feeling really panicky.i ended up going to the hospital cuz i didnt know what the hell was going on,so the dr told me it was just stress(i have a 3 yr old and a 5 month old at the time).shortly after that is when all this started-i cant really eat in public i feel like if i do i might throw up,even the other day i was just standing in line at the store and i had to try to relax cause i felt sick.also sometimes i get nervous in a vehicle with someone else cause i'm scared i might get sick.this is really taking a toll on me cause i'm losing weight i was already thin to begin with and i've already lost like 15 lbs.!! i dont know what to do anymore i'm really getting fed up with feeling scared all the time!! I'm not sure if i have this emet. cause i'm not scared of other people getting sick,i'm not scared of getting germs,its just the idea of getting sick in public or in front of someone.Back when i was dating my hubby we used to go out and i couldnt eat in front of him my stomach would just shut down and my throat would get really tight so i couldnt eat anything or i would feel sick,so this one time we were in his car driving somewhere when i started thinking to myself "if we go to eat i'm gonna be sick and next thing i new i *v!! i couldnt even tell him to pull over cause if i even opened my mouth to talk i was going to be sick!which ended up happening any way.of course i was embarassed,he took me back home and i cleaned out his car.I dont understand how this just happened to me out of nowhere,maybe its just my mind coming up with crazy ideas!