Hello all My name is Sara and I have struggled with this secretly for 20 years. Recently I have started having severe panic attacks and had to come clean with my Husband and family. I struggle daily with crippling fear and guilt. Guilt for the way it is affecting my family. I have two beautiful daughters 4 and 2 and a boy on the way. I can't be a good mother right now. I have never been under this phobia so badly. It had never affected me this way and I am wondering why I am alive. I feel like I am making my family's life miserable, like they would be better off without me.
I have been reading some of the wonderful posts on here and the success stories give me hope. I am hopeful that you will accept me with my "crazy" and I can help others and get some help myself.
Anyways, so hi!!! This is me and my stuff!!