Hey All

Is it just me or does anyone else get realy angry if someone starts to say they feel ill near you or you see v* on the road!!
I was so annoyed the other week that soemone had been ill at the train station and I get so outraged that people would leave their house if they felt that bad and then do that for everyone to see and cope with.
I have to try and calm myself down and walk past it but I know it's there and it will freak me out for the rest of the day and then I'll start to panic I feel n*.

I also get really scared about getting on the tube/ trains as I panick that is someone is ill I will be stuck in the carriage with them and I won't be able to escape. I've even got off the train before when I thought someone looked ill. Even if people faint I panic as people say you are ill after that when you come off.

Would love to hear your thoughts.
