I've accepted that I have to be suffering from some kind of post traumatic stress after this incident I'm about to share with all of you, because there is NO WAY that I'm just 'handling' this.

My friends and I were on our way to see Mary Poppins at the Ahmanson Theater in LA a few months back, and we were just coasting down the 101 freeway listening to Incubus when suddenly the driver, my friend we'll call M, says "I have no idea why I feel so nauseas right now".

My heart quite literally stopped.

The situation is this: M is driving, A is sitting in the passenger seat, S is sitting next to me in the back, and I'm sitting behind M's seat. She drives a Scion tC, which for those of you who don't know is a coupe. Meaning I'm enclosed, tightly, in the back - behind M. Do we see where this is going?

Long story short, A gives M a Tums to chew and see if it'll settle her stomach which ended up doing the exact opposite, and low and behold M is rolling down her window and suddenly V* out the window in one fell swoop, still driving/speeding and staying in her lane.

Did I see it? Absolutely. Was it awful? YES it was. Why was it -somehow- okay? Because the Driver, M, started hysterically LAUGHING right afterwards. Laughing! Are you kidding me?! Probably one of the most terrifying and embarrassing things has just happened to her, and she's cracking up...
I've come to understand it's because she literally is the ONE person I know who just unapologetically owns her misfortune and embraces it. She immediately made it her status on Facebook. "So and So just V* all over herself while driving 80 down the 101 to go see Mary F***ING Poppins". Who would feel that comfortable announcing to the world such a GROSS thing? After posting that status she sends a text to her best friend saying, "I hope you're excited to hate me right now because I'm probably the grossest person you'll ever know. Be excited for this story"


How am I now? I still imagine the driver, any driver, no matter who it is, V* whenever I'm in a car now. Especially when I'm in a car with M. My anxiety as skyrocketed since then but I honestly don't think it was because of that incident, I really don't.

I wanted to share this because a) I still don't get how I'm able to be so calm about this, b) it's the most extreme encounter I've ever had of this nature, and c) ...I kind of hope to one day be like M? Maybe not as ridiculous and out of control, but comfortable


Thanks for bearing with me through my first post (that was much longer than intended) on the forum