Hello fellow emetophobics!

This is my first post, and I'm a new member. So, I have extreme emetophobia, I find that sometimes I'm more afraid of people v* then me actually v*, because most of the time I'm confident that I won't v* because I haven't v* in 11 years (I'm 17 now).

So the worst thing that could ever happen to an emetophobic happened to me on monday. I was sitting in my class when the guy next to me v* out of nowhere and got it on me. It's all a big blur now, but I heard my reaction was hilarious, I shot out of my seat and screamed, then just stood their frozen, until my teacher told me to go to the bathroom, then I dashed out as fast as I could.

Once in the bathroom I cried and hyperventilated, luckily a very sweet girl from my class came in and cleaned the v* off my dress. It was a horrible event, I still can't get the image out of my head. I was so mad, I said some pretty mean things about the boy, of course I felt horrible about it since he couldn't help it. But there was an aisle right next to him, I don't know why he couldn't aim for it haha.

Does anyone know a way to treat emetophobia? I find it gets worse as I get older, and I wan't to be able to get pregnant and have children without being terrified. Don't suggest looking at photos and videos of v* because I don't find that helpful at all more torturous.

Thank you for letting me share my story!