Okay my sister is over, and she just ate a whole bunch of food that she brought with her (Including sushi, of which I had none) Then she complained of being tired and started to get quiet and lethargic, now she's been in the bathroom for about 10 minutes. I Can't hear anything in there but the best I can figure is she is vomiting or having diarreha, both of which scare the heck out of me. I want to go to the door and ask her if she's okay, but I don't want to hear anything if I am not supposed to, you know? I am getting all panicky and flustered and feel nauseous myself but I know it's only nerves. Oh GOD what if she's sick? All I know is I am bleaching the hell out of that bathroom when she leaves. GOD IS ANYONE THERE WHO CAN TALK ME DOWN!?