I copied the article which I guess was recent because I heard it this week on the radio. I want to know what kind of sick person has time to v* and some how fill it up in condoms? SICKO!!! I edited out the v* word.

A downstate man is awaiting trial on charges of battery and disorderly conduct for allegedly hurling condoms filled with what was believed to be human v* at a security officer on the campus of North Central College in Naperville.

A call made on an acquaintance's wireless telephone led Naperville police to Tyler J. Wilfley, 19, of Downs, who was charged with the crimes.

Sgt. Gregg Bell said police were sent about 1:53 a.m. May 28 to 311 E. Chicago Ave., where they met with a college security officer.

The officer said he went to the area after receiving a phone call from a woman who identified herself as a student, Bell said. The woman asked the security officer for an escort to another part of campus.

Bell said the officer arrived in his vehicle, which was then struck by at least one condom filled with an unidentified liquid, Bell said. The liquid had a "foul odor" about it and might have been v*, he said.

Police traced the phone call to a North Central student and, ultimately, the woman who had asked for an escort, Bell said. The woman told police Wilfley had persuaded her to make the call, and police ultimately identified him as the man who threw the condoms, Bell said.

Records on file in DuPage County Circuit Court in Wheaton indicated Naperville police in October ticketed Wilfley for illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor. He later pleaded guilty to the charge, receiving court supervision and a fine, records showed.

Wilfley is free on bail and awaiting arraignment.
Copyright SunTimes
First Published: Jun 6, 2010 11:22 AM CDT