Watching television and movies has always been a bit of a challenge for me. I have made a lot of progress with my emetophobia, but an unexpected v* scene still hits like a ton of bricks. Years ago I had to rely on friends to tell me whether a movie was okay or not. They were completely unreliable, they weren't bothered at all by v* and didn't remember it until it was too late.

For a long time I didn't watch many movies and when I did, there was always anxiety. A few years ago I found a wonderful site that gives super detailed parental reviews of new movies and dvds; it even lists every time a character talks about or does v*. "Screen It" is free, they have a subscription version but I just use the freebies. Unfortunately, they do not review tv shows.

So, since movies are marginally easy to check out, I figured it would be good to make a big ol' list of tv shows that tend to have a lot of v* scenes. "TV Tropes" lists a few, but a WARNING: if you are uncomfortable with graphic descriptions you might not want to read theirs. That's why we need our own! Some of these shows are worth the risk, or are good ways to try to desensitize yourself, the point of the list is to give a little warning. If you want, mark the ones you like anyway with a little or something.

Here are a few to start:
Family Guy
The Good Guys
House MD
Little Britain
Peep Show
South Park