I have just lost another great job opportunity because of my emetophobia and I am also facing the fact that I can no longer work in my chosen profession because of the high incidence of dealing with sick people. I am a protective service officer and this often extends to dealing with drunk or high individuals. I am soo disspointed that I can’t get past this fear and on with my life.
I don’t remember anything in my past that triggered my fear of v*, only that I have been terrified of feeling and being sick since I was a very young child. I’m now 40 years old and tired of letting it dictate how I go about my daily life. This has given me fear and depression for so long now and I wont even bother to list the medications and therapies I’ve tried.
In reference to the job situation, can anyone suggest a way to tolerate people who are sick, when it is the expectation that I stay and help?