I know their have been a ton of wisodm teeth posts, but I have some specific questions.

The first thing is the medication. I pretty much have only taken anything stronger than an ibeuprofen once when I needed anti-biotic in my entire life. I mean, I had a bad reaction to dramamine! I hate medication and have had a ton of bad experiences with some extremely mild ones. And now I have to take vicodin or percocet?? Vicodin and percocet make my aunt and friend's sister v*!

Second, last summer I went to an oral surgeon thinking I had to get my wisdom teeth removed then (turns out I could wait another year, though). The nurse and doctor I saw really, really freaked me out!!!
I went in there and made SURE the surgeon and nurse new about my phobia and how bad it was. The doctor said it would " 'probably' be fine, we'll give you some anti-emetic" Then, EVEN after I told her about my phobia, while the nurse is explaining to me about the precedure she laughs and says "After you wake up from the anesthesia we'll keep you in here and let you walk around the room a bit, we would rather have you throw up in here then out in the hallway when your leaving!" She scared me so much!!!

I have to get them out next week, I've been dreading this for a year, I'm really scared